To Know Him and To Make Him Known!

Monday, February 6, 2012

11 ways to love your city.

Friday, September 30, 2011

"He's still there"

Check this out! Let it inspire you. I need no words in this blog. This video and this girl's heart is enough.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Why does life always feel like a battlefield..a battlefield...a battlefield.

In a fog, filled with doubt
No thought seems to find its way out
In the midst, of uncertain times
Unaware of how to cross this line

Toss and turn, restless night
No thought seems to find its way out
Up and down, this thing called life
Ready to give in but know you must fight

Praise starts rising, in your soul
"Hallelujah! God makes me whole"
Grab your sword, prepare to fight
Breakthrough is coming
Tonight is your night

God goes before you, preparing the way
You follow humbly, meditating night and day
All glory to the King,praise to the One
Who prepares you for battle, for our good and His glory to be won!

Friday, August 19, 2011

"This is the way...walk in it."

I have finally found the time this week to sit on my bed, listen to the soft hum of my refrigerator, and contemplate how I can make my room any more organized than it already is....oh the joys of the weekend before classes start. This week has been a very busy week in the lives of many students starting back to school and registering for classes. I feel as though I have opened 100 new P.O. boxes just this week alone. I'm sure that is an exaggeration. Not to mention the plethora of new people I have met, and probably asked a few times for them to remind me of their names... hence the obsession with name tags around this place. Nonetheless, I am enjoying this time, breathing (always helpful) and meditating on the excitement that this week leaves behind and offers to the rest of my life.

In many of my blogs, you will find that I will refer back to my trip to Moldova. And this is why... Looking back on my trip, I now realize that a few things were taking root in my heart while I was there. One, my passion for working with victims of H.T. grew immensely out of visiting this place. Two, my interest in Romanian speaking people peaked while travelling to, within, and from Moldova. And three, relinquishing my plans for my future never felt more real and intense than when I was in Moldova. Now to explain this third root...

On my way to Moldova, I was still planning to attend Union University Fall 2010 to study Social Work. A few days after Erin and I arrived, we visited an internet cafe to catch up on networking. While we were there, I received a few emails that made me come to the conclusion that the Union plans I had, were beginning to crumble. After leaving the cafe, I remember us "taking a long route...aka getting turned around, in the community we were staying in. We had been walking for what seemed like forever, so we decided to take a break in a park, under a tree. As we were sitting there, uncertainty began to make its way into my heart. It was less than one month before I had planned to move to Tennessee....and my plans were falling apart. What a vulnerable place to be! Many thoughts went through my brain from should I just continue to go with my plans and move to Tennessee and take out loans? Or my personal favorite: "Maybe I should just send for my clothes and possessions and live in Moldova for the rest of my life and work at McDonald's or somewhere."After praying and maybe shedding a glass full of tears, Erin brought forth a statement her father always encouraged her with: "Do what you know to do until you know what to do."Hmmm...One word kept ringing in my ears and the same word spoke through Erins mouth- "Home"...What? Taking a year off of school and going back home? I am completely driven and feel like I HAVE to continue my education without stopping to take time for myself" were my thoughts when those words were spoken.... Vulnerability...this word brings out the craziest parts of a person. And yet, makes you a great candidate for being open to where the Lord wants to lead you...which is what definitely happened to me after my return to the states. I returned home and stayed there for that next year. And can I tell you that staying home for one year was perhaps the most beneficial thing I could have ever done. Truly, the Lord is in control and is sovereign over ALL circumstances...ALL things!

Of course, you will hear more about my time in Moldova, but for now, just know that there is a God..the ONLY God, who will take lead of your life and guide you along in THE most perfect of ways. Just be vulnerable. Lay your life before Him and ask Him to take it and do with it what He will.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Traffic...BIG TIME in the BIG EASY

Last week and this week, I have been caught in either one of two types of traffic: 5:00pm traffic, heading to the Westbank OR 9:30pm traffic due to workers fixing the roads. Now let me just say that I am very grateful that the workers are fixing the roads due to the craters in this area. And regardless of my frustration, I have been taught something during these moments...and that is to simply slow down and take in my surrounding.

For instance, while sitting in traffic on I10 at the overpass of 90, I had a clear view of the Superdome and Arena. As I was creeping along the bridge, it became real to me that I am in New Orleans, LA. And not only that I am in New Orleans, but that there are a great number of people in this city who are religious and who are in need of a real transformation in their lives. Jesus says to his disciples in Matthew 9:37 "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

I AM HERE! I am among a people who are dying due to drugs, gang related murder, murder in general, drunk driving, jealousy, feeling undeserving of taking another breath and take their own life...Now, I am no superwoman, although many times, I have to remind myself that I cannot save the world...but God can! And if God should choose to use me in any of these areas, I AM HERE!

I am reminded of a song by Lecrae (perhaps one of my favorite artists) "Don't waste your life." This is also the title of a book by John Piper, which is a grand read. Check it out and let the Truth of the gospel alter your lifestyle.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Hey there. You may have come across my blog and wondered who I am. On the surface, you need to know that I love Jesus, have a passion for victims of trafficking, and want to live my life, serving the Creator of the Universe. Of course, I am going to be writing, in order to express more about the "Greatness of our God." (If you have never heard Natalie Grant's song: "Greatness of our God" it..It will be worth 3 mins. in your life.) But I also want to open up a little more and talk about this passion: Anti-Trafficking.

For quite some time now, I have felt the Lord leading me to work
with victims of human trafficking. Last summer, 2010, my friend, Erin and I were able to embark on a God-given journey to research this issue, in the country of Moldova.

While in Moldova, we met with individuals from different viewpoints on trafficking. Most of the people we met were Christian's and either worked with prevention or in one case, restoration of victims.  This experience was one of growth and knowledge, being guided by individuals who have been involved with restoring victims for years. It began to 'fan the flame' in my heart to become serious about how I can be involved.

At this point, I am living in New Orleans, getting married in December(2011), and am pursuing a counseling degree at Seminary. The Lord has mysterious ways of working out things for His glory! And I am excited to see what He will do. Besides, all of the glory is His anyway. I'm just here to represent Him on this earth.